Game Wallpapers - 仙剑奇侠传4 (Chinese Paladin 4) Wallpapers Recently, I found out some "Chinese Paladin 4 (仙剑奇侠传4)" wallpapers. Besides anime wallpapers, I like chinese game wallpapers also. Click images to enlarge & click "Read More" to continue. Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Anime Wallpapers - AIRI found some wallpapers and beautiful song. And also found a MikuMikuDance (MMD) Version song. Click image to enlaTekken Blood Vengeance Movie WallpapersI got some Tekken Blood Vengeance movie wallpapers. You can click images to enlarge.Game Wallpapers - Love PlusI found some Love Plus wallpapers. Click images to enlarge.Anime Bleach 2013 CalendarWell... We will almost in 2013, and I just got a new Bleach 2013 Calendar that's also my favourite. You can click image