K-ON! Movie Announced Share The final episode of Anime K-ON!! ended with the announcement. The above picture is taken from K-ON! official website.K-ON! TV Announcement Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Love Plus Nene Anegasaki and HallsThe game, Love Plus you have heard, is recently the most popular dating sim game in Anime Strike Witches Francesca Lucchini's BirthdayAnime Strike Witches fans are celebrating the birthday with delicious cake, for Francesca Lucchini's birthday and for CCat vs AlligatorsI found the following video from other website that is between a cat and alligators. That is interesting. ^_^About Anime K-ON! Ui Hirasawa's BirthdayThe 22nd of February is Ui Hirasawa's birthday, and some K-ON! fans celebrated her birthday.