Seras - Hellsing Photos finished Hellsing photos Seras This costume was made in 2008, so it's pretty old. The wigs gave me trouble (went through 3), but it was my first decently constructed costume.Thanks for looking! Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Hellsing Ultimate VIII ova preview trailer!Although this was posted on Friday, the premiere of the 3rd and final season of this series has been delayed to July 27Black Rock Shooter PhotosThis costume was made for ALA 2010. It was my first time working with vinyl, and it wasn't so bad!Thanks for lookSelvaria Bles & Radi Jaeger - Valkyria ChroniclesMy big project for 2010 was putting together these two costumes. For Selvaria, I remade the blouse a few times wiPoison - Final Fight photosThis was essentially just a closet costume. I like the Final Fight/Streets of Rage type of games back in the day,