Anime K-ON! Azunyan's Birthday Share The 11st of November is Azusa Nakano's (Azunyan's) birthday. K-ON! Azunyan's fans celebrating her birthday. Let's take a look of some interesting images. In addition, people who are birthday on the same day, I wish you Happy Birthday! Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Cutie Figures in Real Life The following images shown some cutie figures in real life. Anyone like them?Source: Gamersky.comAnime K-ON!! EndsRecently I found some images from other website. Anime K-ON!! has ended. It is very sad for both K-ON!! Steve Jobs DeadApple's genius Steve Jobs has passed away after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. On October 5, 2011, JobCute School Buses in JapanJapanese kindergartens in order to reduce stress for the children, they made the school bus will be very cute and color