J-popcon 2010

J-popcon is over, and I must say....  it was a con filled with much better costumes than all the other years.
Though there was alot of bought once, but oh well. I'm a supporter on every side, I'm mostly interested in wigs, which... was pretty... needed here and there ^^;;

My Ciel Phantomhive costume, inspired by the Nendroid of him = not so AMAZING and with lots of details.
But still I'm pretty satisfied with the turn out (Eventhough it's transparent in bright lights XD)
*pictures by my friend Hopy*

And the 'wigs I've helped prepping part'

Kiba's Madam Red, I've cut this wig out of a really long one, and imo... it turned out perfect. It really suits her so well, and I'm proud of it.
*Picture by Ali Jehad*

It turned out so amazing (I say amazing too much), I was really satisfied with the face... flop... thingy... I've seen alot of... very unsuccessful tries on this one, and I was very into making it perfect and wearable.
*Pictures by my friend Hopy*

Sabine's (borrowed*unstyled*) wig, that I fixed up, unfortunately. No real good pictures yet, before I get my camera recharged, but this is a little something something. And I think it turned out great, seeing what I had to work with for starters, not being able to cut it and all :P
*Pictures by my friend Hopy*

So.... should I start taking commissions?

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