Return to Zero len kagamine photoshoot vocaloid I decided that I wanted a casual photoshoot with Len.So today I stole Mustachebuddeh Bine and her guitar, and went on location 8D Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Vocaloid Kagamine Rin & Len BirthdayI just found that today is Kagamine Rin and Len Birthday. Happy Birthday!Genki 2011Genki is over and after a con you're supposed to write a con-review, but I suck at those, so I'll just say what I want Go Go Mario!The following video is called "Go Go Mario!" but it's all Vocaloid characters. It's very interesting.Kensington GardensI was in the mood for a shoot today, so me and mustachefriend just hurried a quick shoot.Today I've been tumblrin' too