Anime Macross Frontier Sheryl Nome Cosplay by Rei Cosplay Sheryl Nome from the Anime series Macross Frontier, is cosplayed by Korean cosplayer Rin. You can click images to enlarge. Twitter Facebook Google Tumblr Pinterest Page Rank Artikel Terkait Anime K-ON! Mio Akiyama in Nurse Outfit CosplayA cute girl is cosplay Mio Akiyama from the Anime K-ON!, who in nurse outfit. You can click images to enlarge.Musou Orochi Z: Sanzang Cosplay from ChinaSanzang from the game Musou Orochi Z, cosplayed by Chinese cosplayer 猫嫌.You can click images to enlarge."I'm looking foPerfect CosplayCosplay dibawah ini benar-benar perfect alias sangat mirip dengan aslinya. Cekibrot!! &nbsThe new Cosplay trend: anime eyes makeupWhether you find this amusing, beautiful or disturbing, this is the latest trend in Cosplay. The idea is to draw shades