SDotP: Drafting Armor

*scarlet demon of the pavement

I've been working a little on how I want to put together the armor for Kaito.
I want it so I can bend my body and limbs, without any problem or discomfort, so it will be a very demanding project, once I get into the MAKING of it, but as the title says..
I've made some small 3D drafts of what I've imagined it to be, so far.

This first picture is the body armor, yes. It's very simple, but it is only paper, so no greater details.
I might add some more ribcage armor, but it really depends on what I'm going to work with in the end.
The long choppy piece, will also be armor, which will follow my spine, as if the armor actually is a piece of me.

This is the 'prototype' of the armor rings, which I'll make 10 of total, all to fit each individual finger.
Since it's paper, I couldn't bend out the shape as it's supposed to go, but I've gotten a feeling of how I need to put it together and what size it'll be in the end.

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