The anime is based on Karino Takatsu's manga of the same name, which revolves around a high school freshman named Sota Takanashi who works part-time among a restaurant's high-spirited, eccentric, yet cool staffers. The first season aired during the spring 2010 anime season. NIS America, the American subsidiary of the Nippon Ichi Software videogame company, licensed the series last November and released it under the name Wagnaria!! earlier this year.
Working!! trailer streamed
The anime is based on Karino Takatsu's manga of the same name, which revolves around a high school freshman named Sota Takanashi who works part-time among a restaurant's high-spirited, eccentric, yet cool staffers. The first season aired during the spring 2010 anime season. NIS America, the American subsidiary of the Nippon Ichi Software videogame company, licensed the series last November and released it under the name Wagnaria!! earlier this year.