Kuragehime author puts manga on hold due to injury

Princess Jellyfish
Princess Jellyfish 
Oh no :(

Kodansha's Morning magazine announced this week that manga creator Akiko Higashimura is putting Kuragehime on hold. She explained that she had fallen from the top of the stairs in her apartment complex and fractured the first joint in her right middle finger. As a result, Higashimura is also putting her Kuragehime (Princess Jellyfish) manga on hold for one issue.

The manga is not running in this year's 10th issue of Kodansha's Kiss magazine, which went on sale on Thursday. However, Higashimura plans on resuming the manga in the next issue on May 25. Higashimura then assured her followers on Twitter that she is almost completely recovered from her injury, and is already getting back to work this week.

She submitted the draft for the next Kuragehime chapter this Wednesday. She even added that she is now drawing the return of Kisekae Yuka-chan, the irregularly serialized manga that runs in Shueisha's Cookie magazine. She apologized for making her fans worry.
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