Shueisha's You magazine announced that its September issue will feature a new manga series by Marginal's author Moto Hagio. It is titled Ōhi Marugo (Queen Margot).
The title takes place in 16th-century France and tells the story of the historical Queen Margaret. The Japanese title of the series is identical to the title of the 1845 novel by Alexandre Dumas. The September issue of You will be released on August 11. Queen Margot's first chapter will be 46 pages long and will include color pages.
The title takes place in 16th-century France and tells the story of the historical Queen Margaret. The Japanese title of the series is identical to the title of the 1845 novel by Alexandre Dumas. The September issue of You will be released on August 11. Queen Margot's first chapter will be 46 pages long and will include color pages.