I'm always captivated by the colour and composition in his photography works, and one more thing,
awesome backgrounds. As I'm focusing on the backgrounds they are much differ in every photoshoot.
Plus, his recent work Guilty Crown - EGOIST is so beautiful, it's a must for me to share with everyone.
Vax: Nikon D90. A great camera; awesome tool;
hmm still a great camera, awesome tool; yes, awesome tool.
R: Which would be your favorite lens?
Vax: 50 f1.8. Recently using 24 f1.4
R: What inspires you to start photography?
Vax: Newspaper. Since young, I like to look at those awesome pictures taken by reporter/journalist.
You don’t need to read the description and you understand what was going on by just
looking that those pictures.

R: What makes you want to continue in photography especially cosplay photography?
Vax: Creativity. Especially, in searching/planning to create fantasy feel type of artwork where it does not exist in our normal day to day life.

R: Which is your most satisfied/favorite shot so far? why?
Vax: Not yet. Most of the shoot done, I might have 1 - 2 photos which I like and will keep reviewing them, mainly to critique myself where to improve. Until one day that I find nothing to critique on the particular shot. That will be my most satisfied shot.
R: Which photo you've taken is the most challenging to you? why?
Vax: Underwater. A lot of uncertainty, luck and a lot of practice is required
to get some satisfactory shots.
R: What aspect do you think that you have improved a lot since you started photography?
Vax: Perspective. The way I see things from different angle.

R: What's your goal achievement in photography?
Vax: Unique, or a new photography style. Well, still a very long way to go,
as every shoot is a new experience to me.

R: Who do you look up to or inspires you?
Vax: People. I like to browse through newspapers, magazine, internet for awesome work from different individual. Sometimes I will just look at one picture/drawing for a long time.
R: What do you think the relationship between a photographer and a cosplayer should be during a photoshoot?
as in cosplayers sometime wants to recreate the scene from the series, hence show u so much references and insist you to follow each and every of it for the whole shoot. How will you react?
Vax: Reverse. Normally, I ask for references from cosplayers instead. Since I have very little idea on most of the anime/manga/games characters. Therefore, I will do some homework for the characters before the actual shoot.

** 35ryo :
During a photoshoot, which do you focus more on, the atmosphere of a scene (a marvelous photo angle)
or the cosplayer himself (always make sure cosplayer look decent)? How do you link this both together?
Vax: Light… next will be angle and pose.
R: Any advise to those are new starter or interested in photography?
Vax: Practice. Keep on shooting every week, anything, any where, any time.

Thanks Vax!~