Next con: Desucon FrostBite

The next con I will attend is called Desucon FrostBite.
It will take place in Lahti, FINLAND, 14-15 January 2012.
This is the first Desucon FrostBite to be held, big sister Desucon has been held during the summers for some years (although I've never attended it myself) and FrostBite, as name implies, will from now on (hopefully) be held during winters to come.

My cosplays are pretty much set in stone for the weekend.
Both days I will be part of a Finnish Bleach group and naturally that means both my cosplays will be from said series.

SATURDAY - Jushiro Ukitake (Turn Back the Pendulum)

Surprised? I guess not...
I've made myself a challenge to cosplay all canon (and some original) versions there are of Ukitake because... he's my favorite character and I'm just destined to do it because... err, *cough* let's not talk about it. xD So yeah, next in line is the TBtP version, or ponytail!Ukitake as I like to say.
Our Bleach group's main day is on Saturday and of course I'll be Jushiro that day, seeing he's my signature cosplay.
Because the con is held during winter I won't bring shikai with me this time, so I will just make his sealed state zanpakuto instead and carry it around. It's just way more convenient to be able to carry a sword on your waist instead of having both hands busy holding EPIC_SWORDS_OF_DOOM all the time, although I can't deny I love those things to bits. 
Not to mention whenever I have to go outside I'd rather try and keep my hands warm under the haori (and cover my face with a scarf so I can breathe properly...) because, as everyone probably knows, Finnish winters aren't exactly mild.

SUNDAY - Gin Ichimaru (Captain)

Gin? Yes, Gin.
I'm going to cosplay that always-smiling-sarcasmic-creeper-face-guy. And ironically I suck at smiling...
This will be the first time I cosplay Ichimaru so, err, we'll see how it goes. I'm so used to cosplaying Ukitake (been almost exclusively cosplaying him this whole year, go figure) so I guess it will take some time to get used to acting like an eerie bad guy instead of a happy occasionally coughing candysleeve guy, haha.

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