Soooo I woke up quite early and decided to do a quick Okita "photoshoot" because I was bored and home alone. I can't really call it a "photoshoot" because it was just me and my camera. ._.
I used the self-timer for some photos but it was kinda hard, or well, damn hard to get everything right. Oh well, I got a few good ones, although the lighting was bad so they are kinda.. err, 'grainy'. But I thought it fit the mood somehow so I don't mind the reduced photo quality all that much and besides, I didn't want to turn on the lights because it made photos turn rather fugly orange-y.
If anyone wonders what that blue thing is it's my shinsengumi haori.. used it as a blanket.. kind of.
I look like a tired mess... and that's what I was more or less. XD lol it rhymes...
When I got fed up with trying to use the self-timer I just went to take some
Bbbbbbb, this reminds me... back when I was in Eurokangas yesterday I also tried to search for that light purple fabric I had seen before they moved which I could have used to remake Okita's kimono. I didn't find it. ;_; pffjhfiudhiuf