The second season of the adaptation of Keitaro Takahashi's manga, that follows an arms dealer named Koko Hekmatyar and her elite squad, is titled Jormungand: Perfect Order. There was a confusion over if it would premiere on October 9 at 00:30, but that's actually Wednesday, October 10.
Among other great news related to this anime, a billboard at the Chūō Dōri road in Tokyo's Akihabara district revealed that a Joint Operation is launching between Keitarō Takahashi's Jormungand manga/anime and the American first-person shooter game Call of Duty: Black Ops II.
Among other great news related to this anime, a billboard at the Chūō Dōri road in Tokyo's Akihabara district revealed that a Joint Operation is launching between Keitarō Takahashi's Jormungand manga/anime and the American first-person shooter game Call of Duty: Black Ops II.