Naruto Shippuden anime January 2013 schedule

Itachi Uchiha

This month we get the final episode of the Chikara arc, which hasn't been so bad, and we get back to canon! Great moments await!

Episode 295 "Power - Final Episode" (「力-Chikara-」episode Final)  January 10, 2013

Episode 296 "Naruto Joins the War!!"  (ナルト, 参戦!!) January 17, 2013

Episode 297 "A Father's Feelings, A Mother's Love" (父の想い, 母の愛) January 24, 2013

Episode 298 "Finally They Meet!! Naruto vs. Itachi" (ついに接触!! ナルトVSイタチ) January 31, 2013
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