5 days left to finish my Falkner cosplay before Skecon. Ouch.
Decided to sew on his hakama style pants most of the day. I won't explain so much what I did
because I'm lazy but I'll show some photos of the process at least. It's pretty simple.
I started with doing the pleats.
Remember, this is not the authentic way to make hakama. Two back (overlap) and two in front. I'm fully aware that hakama normally have 5 pleats in the front but
Falkner's hakama doesn't really look like your typical hakama... and I kinda interpret those two "folds" on the front like pleats soooo... *shrugs* Besides I need to make pleats or I'd have those humongous granny pants which I do not want. lol
Making front pleats.. |
... and back pleats. |
I went ahead and ironed the pleats and after that I needed to cut out the last missing parts.. the ties. I used most of the last bits of the fabric I had left. I cut out 4 about 165 cm long and 7,5 cm wide strips of fabric. I would have made them wider if I wasn't so short on fabric.
Ties cut out |
Zigzaged all around and sewed them together at one end so I had 2 long ones |
Ironed to get a middle fold |
Sew the ties into a long "tube" so that the zigzag is folded inside... |
Sew a straight seam across the pleats to secure them (front piece on photo, of course do same to back piece) |
Pin the ties in place and sew them on |
At this point I was done except for heming the pant legs. I tried them on very sloppily and noticed that they were waaaaaay too long. My typical mistake. ._. Oh well, it's much easier to shorten than to lengthen..
They were supposed to end at my knees. lol |
Gonna cut off some excess length next time and hem them. *yawns* I don't feel like doing anymore for today. Next time I'll finish these so that I can start working on Falkner's jacket.