Missing Grandma so much!

Last night I remembered my late grandma suddenly.
Then I cried. I really really miss her so much.
I missed everything in her. I missed to hug her when I wanted to sleep.
I mssed when she cooked me various meals.
I missed when she learned me how to sew.

But, she had too possesive.
Even though she never angry to me,
but I feel now her possessiveness make me weaker to face world!
And I really need her. I need her support, need her in every situation and condition.
Poor me!

Now, I'm just alone!
I really regret when she was still alive and she became senile, I always angry with her.
I didn't want to sleep with her anymore. I forgot her!
God, forgive me!
Grandma, forgive me!
I really regret with what I've ever done to you!
I'm not a good granddaughter.
But you always my best grandma in my heart.

Now, I cry again remembering you always!
I really miss you grandma!
Forgive me, please!
Give me a strong heart to face the world without you.
And pray me to be better as long as I live in this world.

Love you, grandma!

Ramadhan Telah Tiba

Nggak terasa udah masuk Ramadhan lagi. Besok udah mulai puasa lagi. Mudah-mudahan nggak banyak bolongnya kayak tahun lalu. Puasa tahun lalu aja masih ada sisa tujuh yang belom diganti :(
Tapi aku tetap aja nggak bisa full tarawih. Udah sejak beberapa tahun nggak pernah tarawih lagi yang full kayak jaman SMA dulu :(

Yah, mudah2an Ramadhan kali ini membawa berkah buat aku dan keluarga. Terutama sholatnya nih, jangan bolong lagi, please! Pengen berubah jadi lebih baik dan lebih baik lagi :)

Jatuh, uh... uh.. uh..

Aku jatuh :(

Kejadiannya tiga hari yang lalu, sih. Kejadiannya cepat banget, sampe aku aja nggak ingat awalnya aku jatuh dari sepeda motor. Yang ku ingat, waktu itu mau jemput mama di rumah Bu Ida karena ada tamu yang nyariin mama. Trus, pas udah nyampe, ngerem dan aku mau nginjakin kaki kiri ke tanah buat nahan sepeda motor yang ku rem, eh.. tiba-tiba aja aku udah jatuh. Badan sebelah kiriku tertindih motor. Tangan kananku spontan ngegas stang. Setelah itu, refleks aku bangun mengangkat motor. Kaki kiriku udah lecet dan luka. Ternyata ada lubang. Jadi, kakiku yang mau nginjak tanah, masuk ke lubang dan alhasil jatuh, deh! Dengan pedih teramat sangat, aku naikin lagi motor itu pulang.

Setelah luka-luka dibersihin, aku masih sempat jemput adikku pulang sekolah ngaji. Tentunya dengan menahan rasa pedih. Apalagi kalo mau ngerem. Karena udah biasa pake kaki kiri, jadi nyoba pake kaki kanan jadi susah.

Penampakan luka setelah tiga hari. Agak DP (Disturbing Picture).

Dua bercak di kaki kiri

Di lutut kiri yang paling parah :(

Ternyata kaki kanan kena dampaknya juga. Paha kanan jadi gini setelah satu hari jatuh.

Lebaran bakalan penuh tanda-tanda jelek di kaki :(

Belom juga ada sebulan belajar naik motor, udah jatuh. Mana jatuhnya nggak keren lagi =.="
Dimana-mana orang itu kalo jatuh dari motor, pasti karena keserempet, kesenggol atau ngebut. Tapi aku jatuh pas mau berhenti, masuk lubang lagi huhuhu...

Jadi ingat kata temanku. Kalo belom jatuh belajar naik motor, belom sah bisa bawa motor.
Berarti aku udah sah donk??

Fail Meatball

Lagi kumat mau masak aja, nih aku hahaha...

Hari ini belajar bikin bakso. Tapi berhubung bikinnya dikit aja, jadi takarannya sesuka hatiku :-P
Dan hasilnya... Voilaaa...

Rasanya aneh gitu. Kenyal banget. Kayaknya kebanyakan tepung, tapi perasaan yang banyak dagingnya, deh #garukkepalayangnggakgatal
FYI, aku pakenya daging ayam, berhubung daging sapi nggak bisa beli dikit. Next time mau nyoba lagi bikinnya yang benar, deh! At least, udah pernah nyoba walaupun gagal hahaha... 

Anime Macross Frontier Sheryl Nome Cosplay by Rei

Sheryl Nome from the Anime series Macross Frontier, is cosplayed by Korean cosplayer Rin. You can click images to enlarge.

Naruto Shippuden August schedule!

Tsunade recovered and Kakashi is glad to not have to take the mantle as Hokage. Naruto will take on Sasuke himself. The prophecy has been placed by the Great Toad Sage. However, what we will get this month is pirate fillerology!

Episode 223 "The Young Man and the Sea" (青年と海) August 4, 2011

Episode 224 "The Merchant Ninja of Venice" (紅州の商忍) August 11, 2011

Episode 225 "The Cursed Ghost Ship" (呪われた幽霊船) August 18, 2011

Episode 226 "Battleship Island" (戦艦の島) August 25, 2011

Preparación para Salón del Manga de Barcelona


Perdón! Perdón! Perdón! T_T por haber ultra abandonado el blog :(, trabajo 10 horas diarias y me es totalmente imposible conectarme.. y menos hacer cosplay -_-.
Aunque tengo novedades =), ha habido cambios radicales respecto a los cosplays del Salón del Manga de Barcelona. Procedo al listado:

El sábado iremos con algunos miembros de la asociación AMAKUNI de FAIRY TAIL, ha sido una locura de última hora pero estoy muy contenta, después de 2 años volver con ellos a hacer una grupal :).
El traje que llevaré es el que lleva en el tomo 18 ^^, me encanta el diseño, se parece mucho a mi coss de Cassandra de Soul Calibur *¬*, lógicamente la falda será más larga xD no se me verá el culo -.-

El domingo es el día del Summit, yo no participo. Lo más seguro es que lleve el cosplay de Nia Antiespiral, ya que mi hombre sexy va de Simon *0*, aunque puede variar totalmente el cosplay que lleve, ya se verá :').

Y el lunes, es el día del concurso normal! y.. este año participo!!!! estoy muy muy emocionada T^T, aunque.... nos ha tocado.. el número 1!!!!! vamos a salir primeros! Laskmdas asdnkasndasdnasl dn T_T-, que nervios! Iremos de Zelda twilight, yo de princesa Zelda >//<.
Ya he empezado con el tema joiería y el armamento, de este cosplay no pondré avanzos ni procesos, ya que queremos que sea sorpresa :). (cuando haya pasado el Salón pondré todos los procesos, que estoy haciendo mil fotos xD).

He encontrado a mi diosa inspiradora.. es mi objetivo, se que es casi imposible que me quede así, pero ella me ha motivado muchísimo:

De momento he encontrado una peluca que da mucho el pego, aunque me tocará hacer mechas  ò_ó, Zelda go! go!

Y hasta aquí el listado de los cosplays que voy a llevar al Salón (aviso que puede variar alguno, pero de momento así se queda), el cosplay de Lili queda aplazado para otro evento, que penica.. porqué tenía la peluca y las telas u.u

Cosplay de Nia

Ya casi casi lo tengo terminado, solo me faltan los zapatos que tengo a mi madre prácticamente convencida para que me de esos que tiene ella que son perfectos *.*. Ayer cosí lo que me quedaba, la tela era un infierno pero quedó genial :).
Y el tema peluca decir que estoy enamoradísima del resultado. El otro día vino Yuriocín a Barcelona y nos sacamos fotos monas de Simon&Nia, hechas con el móvil y en biquini xD.

Se aprecia más o menos la peluca :3

En cuanto llegue a Barcelona haré una prueba general de peluca y traje puestos, para ver el efecto ^^, de momento estoy muy muy contenta con el resultado!

Ahora me toca ponerme las pilas con el cosplay de Zelda y aquí pondré cositas del de Lucy. Sorry si no actualizo T_T me espera un mes de agosto terrible trabajando mil y una horas diarias :(, porfavore que llegue ya septiembre!!!!!!!

Un beso!

Making Bodysuits

Making Bodysuits

I get a number of questions on making bodysuits with stretchy materials, so I thought I'd write up a little guide.

1. Make sure you use a stretch stitch!  It allows the seams to stretch without the thread breaking, and it isn't distracting as a top stitch if needed.  Here's my favorite stitch to use:

2. Always use 4-way stretch fabric on every part of the suit!  If you don't some parts could be too tight once fitted, or wrinkle strangely.  Also keep in mind that when sewing a lot of foam pieces on top of a base suit, the suit may become tighter.

3. Invest in a walking foot.  It moves the top and bottom pieces of fabric together, which reduces puckering in stretchy fabrics and vinyl.  It also is fine to use on non-stretch fabrics.

4. For a pattern, I use a zentai suit that I took apart.  If you use this method, use a zentai suit that's a touch larger than needed in case the fabric you use isn't quite as stretchy.

5. If you want to use a mesh overlay, all you have to do is cut the mesh out of the same pattern.  Make sure it's 4-way stretch, or you may not be able to put on your suit!  If you want, you can sew the edges of the mesh and spandex together before putting the suit together, but I find it's not usually necessary.

6.Before adding anything on top of your base suit, make sure you fit it first.

7. If you want raised/padded portions such as on the Old Snake costume, all you need to do is cut the same size of a thin piece of foam and fabric to cover it with, and just top stitch the fabric around the foam onto the suit.  Make sure the fabric is pulled tight!  If you do the reverse of this (foam and fabric on the inside of the suit) you can make a really clean looking muscle suit.  I use the thinnest green foam found at JoAnn's.
Daur Ulang Minyak Goreng (Minyak Jelantah)

Daur Ulang Minyak Goreng (Minyak Jelantah)

Belakangan ini aku lagi demen masak.Tapi kadang minyak sisa memasak (minyak jelantah) bingung mau diapain. Kalo dibuang rasanya sayang. Apalagi kalo abis dipakai buat menggoreng sesuatu yang memakai tepung (kayak gorengan) gitu pasti minyaknya jadi hitam seketika.

So, aku ngubek-ngubek internet dan nemu cara mendaur ulang minyak jelantah.
1. Menggunakan nasi yang dicampur minyak jelantah dan dimasak bersamaan. Minyak yang kotor akan terserap oleh nasi. Kemudian minyak tersebut disaring.
2. Menggunakan timun yang dimasak bersamaan dengan minyak jelantah. Caranya hampir sama seperti cara pertama.
3. Menggunakan kulit pisang kepok. minyak jelantah sisa penggorengan yang dingin dipanaskan kembali dengan kisaran suhu 1000C, kemudian diteruskan dengan perendaman kulit pisang kepok selama 5 menit. Selanjutnya minyak disaring sehingga kotoran dan pisang kepok dapat terpisah.

Masih banyak, sih cara lain buat mendaur ulang minyak jelantah.
Tapi tiga cara di atas, kan bahan-bahannya gampang didapat di rumah. Tapi tetap ingat, minyak jelantah dipakai maksimal 3x aja ya. Kalo bisa, sih langsung dibuang aja abis dipakai  :)
Reflection Inspiration

Reflection Inspiration

Kok judulnya Reflection Inspiration?


Aku suka aja sama segala sesuatu yang bisa menginspirasiku.

dan ku anggap blog ini adalah refleksinya.

This is the other side of me!
In positive way, absolutely!


Ga perlu banyak penjelasan lagi.
Let's start blogging :)


Hunter x Hunter will have a new anime!!

With the return of the manga to Shonen Jump, the magazine also announced that a second Hunter x Hunter anime television series will air this fall. The 62 episode first Hunter x Hunter TV series aired in 1999 and was followed by three OVA series.

*does happy dance!*

J-Manga site will be up on August 17

One of the first great steps in the publishing of digital manga for global audiences will feature titles of 39 manga publishers. This is the official, legal way to read your manga online.

The Jmanga site will offer officially sanctioned online access to a wide variety of Japanese manga titles including ADEKAN, Cigarette Kisses, Crayon Shin-chan, Devil King, Dragon Girl, Kekkaishi, Manga Science, Naruto, Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru, Tujiurauri, and Young-kun.

This is a great opportunity to discover or read rare series that are difficult to find!

Space and Wigs

So I'm really bad at updating, huh?
Cosplay stuff is happening in my life, but I don't really get around to take pictures of a lot of it, also because it's pretty boring for you all to watch, but here's some stuff.

A week ago, I was out with a friend to buy groceries, and I stumbled upon this portable closet, and was like.. I NEED THIS UGLY THING IN MY LIFE, since my cosplays have been pretty much packed down, whenever I haven't been using them. /big no no

All of those. In that small suitcase, can you even believe it?

Yesterday I got the wig that I've been commissioned for, Bára wanted a wig for her Ace Crash cosplay. So I got working on that, as soon as I got up.
I spend almost exactly two hours on this wig, I could probably spend more time, but it's not easy when it isn't a wig for the average head.

I can't wait to see how it fits her, omigosh!! /and yes, it's a mustalicious foam head.

And lastly, I just purchased these two wigs, for very cheap on eBay. Since the last place I ordered my Sheryl wig, didn't turn out too great.
And since I will be doing Klein sometime in the future, I thought I might aswell get that one too.

Holy Knight will have an OVA!

Author Maya Miyazaki revealed via Twitter that her series will have an OVA adaptation.

The anime will be the debut work of Cammot anime production studio. The manga story stars a teen boy who learns that he’s actually the successor to a family of vampire hunters.

The information is also available through their main site.

Source: AnimeNation

Square Enix manga award revoked due to plagiarism

This is quite becoming the item of the day as Square Enix revoked the award to its 18th edition of the Square Enix Manga Prize awards after readers pointed that the winning story, 'Compliance -Zettai Hō Rei Toshi', by upcoming author Daiki Matsuura, plagiarized author Tow Ukubata light novel Mardock Scramble 104, licensed by Viz Media in the US.

Daiki Matsuura apologized by posting a notice, explaining that he was in a hurry to make his debut as a manga creator.

The apology notice from Monthly Shonen Gangan's editorial department said that after it received the information from readers about the possible plagiarism, it conducted an investigation and found "several points of similarity" between Matsuura's work and Ubukata's.

The editorial department wrote that in the future it would give new creators training and guidance, and the editorial department would do as much as it could to prevent something like this from happening again.

This just proves that desperation is never the right inspiration. O_O

Source: ANN

Love Plus Nene Anegasaki and Halls

The game, Love Plus you have heard, is recently the most popular dating sim game in Japan. Love Plus is a dating sim developed and published by Konami for the Nintendo DS handheld video game console. Recently, the actress which from the Love Plus, Nene Anegasaki became spokesmen Halls (maker of cough drop) in Japan.

Nene: "Open your mouth, Aaaaaaah!"

The following videos show the digital ads that Nene is on a swing, and trying to put a candy Halls in your mouth. There's also another one in which Nene appears to be riding in an elevator, that's interesting and cute.

Hellsing Ultimate VIII ova preview trailer!

Although this was posted on Friday, the premiere of the 3rd and final season of this series has been delayed to July 27, which is also the same day the BD/DVD will come out.

The anime's staff cited the effects of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) disaster on the already tight production schedule and the desire for retakes as reasons for the one-month delay.

source: ANN

Superman vs Goku webcomic review

This is one classic webcomic that poses the answer to the question: who is the only one that would beat the hell out of Superman in a fight, or at least be a formidable opponent to him?

The answer is obvious: Goku

That's the almost unanymous answer you will get from any fanbase, it is an idea that has been well engraved in our pop culture.

And it is no wonder, since Dragon Ball is loosely based on the myth of Superman.

So, the only person that would beat Superman, is his manga counterpart?

This webcomic was done by Joel Ojeda Lopez from Deviantart,it can be read here, on his site:


One thing I loved is the action from the very first frame, perspirating action everywhere, and how the entire fight was so well presented and epic, that it has absolutely nothing to envy to the fight scenes in Bleach.

The creator certainly established his own realm of style to create a world in which Superman and Goku can coexist without the clashing of their aesthectic origins.

There's always the risk that Superman would be unrecognizable in manga style, or that Goku looks awful if drawn in classic Western style. Ojeda Lopez managed to create an interesting mix of both.

I'm not going to spoil how the fight turned out, but here's a key panel that'll make you wonder:
Kamehameha vs. Heat Vision?????